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The Ancient Islamic Remedy of Sidr Leaves for Protection Against Black Magic and Evil Eye

Islamic medicine has a long history of using natural remedies to treat spiritual afflictions. One traditional cure that has persisted over centuries is the sidr leaf, used for protection and healing from black magic and the evil eye.

What are Sidr Leaves?

Sidr leaves are from the sidr tree (Ziziphus spina-christi), an evergreen tree native to tropical regions. The Quran mentions sidr trees in paradise (Surah al-Waqi’ah verses 28-32), showing their significance in Islamic tradition.

Sidr leaves have been prized in Islamic medicine for their healing properties. Their use against black magic and evil eye originates from the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) approving ruqyah – incantations for healing – as long as they do not contain shirk (polytheism).

Prescriptions for Sidr Leaves Against Black Magic

Classical Islamic texts describe specific prescriptions for using sidr leaves against afflictions from black magic and the envious gaze.

Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-‘Asqalani cited a method of taking seven sidr leaves, grinding them into water, reciting verses from the Quran, drinking some of the mixture and using the rest for ritual washing. This protects against all types of metaphysical harm.

In Al-Fath, Ibn Abtal recorded advice to recite Surah Al-Kursi and other protective chapters over sidr water for treating sexual disorders caused by witchcraft.

Using Sidr for Protection From the Evil Eye

The evil eye is caused by extreme envy, which scholars say emits a malicious glare that harms the object of envy. Victims may suffer physical or mental disorders.

Sidr leaves are believed to shield against the evil eye’s wicked rays. Washing with water infused with ground sidr leaves is prescribed to treat symptoms of evil eye. Reciting Quranic ruqyah prayers over the water increases its potency.

Why Sidr is Effective Against Black Magic and Evil Eye

The metaphysical harms of black magic and evil eye were very real to classical Islamic society. Sidr leaves, with their cleansing and protective effects, provided comfort.

While we now understand many afflictions have physical causes, the psycho-spiritual benefits of sidr endure. The ritual of washing with sacred sidr water is psychologically calming, building faith in Allah’s healing power.

Key Points and Summary

  • Sidr leaves have been used in Islamic medicine for centuries against black magic and evil eye.
  • Prescriptions involve drinking and ritual washing with water infused with ground sidr leaves and Quranic verses.
  • Sidr water cleanses metaphysical afflictions and spiritually reassures victims seeking healing.
  • While its mechanisms may seem superstitious today, sidr retains value in traditional Islamic cures.

So in summary, sidr leaves have strong symbolic potency as an Islamic remedy aimed at the supernatural causes of illness and distress.

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