Tag: Duas

A Guide to Healing Through Quranic Recitation
Ruqya, a form of spiritual healing in Islam, involves reciting specific verses from the Quran to seek protection and cure...
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The Takbeeraat of Dhul-Hijjah: A Time to Glorify and Reflect
Alhamdulillaah, the most blessed and virtuous days of the entire year are upon us. The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah...
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Dua’s to make On Day of Arafah and the nights of Ramadan
Some long Dua's to make On Day of Arafah and In the nights of Ramadan and in the last ten...
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11 Profound Benefits of Istighfaar: Seeking Forgiveness in Islam
In the Islamic worldview, Istighfaar, or seeking forgiveness from Allah, is a deeply rooted concept that holds immense significance. It's...
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The Power of Du’a – Strengthening Faith Through Prayer
In the midst of life's challenges and triumphs, one constant remains: the strength of our faith and the power of...
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When Our Duas accepted and When the are not?
Unlocking the Secrets of Accepted Du'a - Moments of Divine Response" Muslims around the world turn to Allah in prayer...
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Supplications for Travel and Transportation in Islam
Transportation, whether on a vehicle or an animal, is a common aspect of life. In Islam, it is important to...
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