Transportation, whether on a vehicle or an animal, is a common aspect of life. In Islam, it is important to invoke prayers and supplications to seek Allah's protection, guidance, and forgiveness during these moments. Here are supplications recommended for various situations related to travel and transportation: Dua When Starting the Journey:Bismillah, Alhamdu'lillah. Subhanal-lathee sakhkhara lana haathaa wa ma kunna lahu muqrineen. Wa 'inna 'ilaa Rabbina la mun qaliboon. Alhamdu'lillah, Alhamdu'lillah, Alhamdu'lillah, Allahu'Akbar, Allahu'Akbar, Allahu'Akbar, subhanaka 'inni dhalamtu nafsee faghfir lee, fa'innahu laa yaghfiruth-dhunooba 'illa 'Anta. Translation: In the Name of Allah; All Praise belongs to Allah. [O How Perfect is...
Continue ReadingCharity (Sadaqah) in Islam transcends the traditional notion of financial giving. It encompasses a rich collection of acts and gestures, each regarded as charitable in the eyes of Allah. Let us delve into the multifaceted ways in which we can extend charity, guided by the wisdom and teachings of Islam. Expressing Gratitude and Praise:The simple act of praising Allah and expressing gratitude through phrases like Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar, Astaghfirullah, and La Ilaha Illallah is considered an act of charity. These affirmations of faith manifest the gratefulness within one's heart. [Sahih Ibn Hibban 3377] Spreading Kind Words:Islam encourages spreading...
Continue ReadingAssalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, Our Word-for-Word Quran and Tafseer classes have been carefully crafted to facilitate a meaningful and structured study of the Quran. The classes offer insights into the translation and Tafseer of the Quran, giving students a chance to grasp the depth and wisdom of the sacred words. Class Details: Timings: 10:00 am to 10:40 am, Monday to Thursday Format: Online sessions conducted via Zoom/Google Meet Recordings: Provided for your convenience Instructor: An experienced and knowledgeable Aalima Duration: Ongoing Exclusivity: Exclusively for sisters This is a golden opportunity for those seeking to enrich their spiritual journey...
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