Alhamdulillaah, the most blessed and virtuous days of the entire year are upon us. The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are an extraordinary opportunity for Muslims around the world to engage in increased worship and good deeds. These days are a gift from Allah (SWT), offering immense rewards and the chance to draw closer to our Creator. Takbeeraat The Prophet Muhammad (sal Allaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) emphasized the unparalleled significance of these days, stating: "There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allaah than these ten days." This declaration highlights the immense value of any act...
Continue ReadingIn today's world, superstitions continue to influence the beliefs and practices of many individuals. However, for Muslims, adhering strictly to the teachings of Islam is paramount. Islam teaches the importance of relying solely on Allah for all aspects of life and avoiding any forms of shirk (associating partners with Allah). Superstitions, including the use of taweez (amulets) and practices like Feng Shui, contradict the fundamental principles of Tawheed (the oneness of Allah). Superstitions and Bad Omens like "Ap shagun" are Haram The Dangers of Superstitions Superstitions often stem from cultural beliefs and practices that have no basis in Islamic teachings....
Continue ReadingIn the journey of life, choosing a spouse is one of the most significant decisions a Muslim can make. While traditionally, parents and relatives have played a major role in arranging marriages, there's wisdom in the idea that individuals should actively participate in seeking their life partners. This approach is not only practical but also finds strong support within Islamic teachings. Marital Bliss Islamic Principles on Choosing a Spouse Islam encourages personal involvement in choosing a spouse, advocating for a process grounded in mutual respect, compatibility, and adherence to Islamic values. In today's world, relying solely on parents to find...
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