Author: Iqsadmin

Understanding the Pause in Revelation: Lessons from the Hadith of Jibreel’s Appearance
Lessons from the Hadith of Jibreel's Appearance Let's reflect on a significant moment in the life of our beloved Prophet...
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Instill Taqwa in Your Children: Teach Them Allah Al-Baseer is Watching
Don’t Say to Your Child, 'I'm Watching You'! Say, 'Allah Al-Baseer is Watching You' As parents, we often find ourselves...
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Effective Islamic Parenting: A Guide to Raising Righteous Children
Parenting in Islam: A Sacred Trust and Responsibility Parenting in Islam is regarded as one of the most significant responsibilities...
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Important Dates of Fasting in the Month of Muharram 2024 – 1446H
Fasting during the month of Muharram holds immense virtue and is highly recommended in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be...
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Journey to Allah Limping and Broken
Imam Al Shafi’i said, “Journey to Allah limping and broken and don’t wait for wellness, because waiting for wellness is...
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Why Fathers Should Propose Marriage for Their Daughters: An Islamic Perspective
In today's society, many righteous men hesitate to propose marriages for their daughters, waiting instead for suitors to come...
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Exploring Palindromes in the Quran: A Linguistic Miracle
The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is renowned for its linguistic beauty and complexity. One of the fascinating aspects...
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Finding Solace in the Quran: Divine Wisdom for Everyday Challenges
In times of doubt and despair, the Quran offers unparalleled comfort and guidance. Its verses provide answers to our deepest...
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Understanding the Trial of Wealth: Insights from Surah al-Kahf
Introduction to Surah al-Kahf and Its Importance on Fridays Surah al-Kahf holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims....
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