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Why Every Muslim Must Aspire to Become an Alim: The Imperative of Seeking Knowledge

Welcome to the Institute of Quran and Sunnah (IQS), where we foster a profound understanding of Islam through rigorous scholarship. In our faith, pursuing knowledge isn’t merely encouraged; it’s considered obligatory. Here’s why embarking on the path to become an Alim (a scholar of Islam) is essential and why it supersedes other religious duties in significance.

Obligation of Knowledge

Obligation of Knowledge

Here are several supporting arguments with references to explain why it is compulsory to become an Alim (scholar) of Deen (religion) in Islam:

1. Divine Command to Seek Knowledge

  • Quranic Reference: “Say, ‘Are those who know and those who do not know equal?'” (Quran 39:9). This verse highlights the importance of knowledge and equates seeking knowledge with elevating one’s spiritual and intellectual status.
  • Prophetic Hadith: “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.” (Sunan Ibn Majah). This hadith explicitly states that acquiring knowledge is not just recommended but obligatory for all Muslims, indicating the necessity of understanding the Deen deeply.

2. Knowledge as a Means to Fear Allah

  • Quranic Reference: “Only those fear Allah, from among His servants, who have knowledge.” (Quran 35:28). Knowledge leads to the true fear of Allah, which is considered the essence of wisdom and the core of devoutness in Islam.

3. Scholars’ Elevated Status

  • Quranic Reference: “Allah will exalt those who believe among you, and those who have been granted knowledge, to high ranks.” (Quran 58:11). This verse assures that scholars are held in high regard and that their status is elevated in both this life and the hereafter.
  • Prophetic Hadith: “The superiority of the learned over the devout is like that of the moon on the night when it is full over the rest of the stars.” (Sunan Abu Dawood). The Prophet Muhammad highlights the paramount importance of scholarly knowledge over simple piety.

4. Scholars as Heirs of the Prophets

  • Prophetic Hadith: “The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets, for the Prophets do not leave behind a dinar or dirham, inheriting only the knowledge, and he who takes it, takes an abundant portion.” (Sunan Abu Dawood). This hadith underscores that scholars continue the work of the Prophets by spreading knowledge, making it a sacred duty to learn and teach the religious sciences.

5. Responsibility to Correctly Implement Islamic Teachings

  • Logical Argument: Without proper knowledge, the implementation of Islamic teachings such as prayer, fasting, zakat, and hajj could be flawed, leading to invalid acts of worship. Knowledge ensures that these pillars are performed correctly and thus are valid in the eyes of Allah.
  • Prophetic Example: The Prophet Muhammad pbuh spent a considerable part of his prophethood teaching and instructing his companions in all matters of the Deen, which they in turn taught to others, highlighting the continuous cycle of learning and teaching in Islam.

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6. Preventing Misinterpretation and Misguidance

  • Logical Argument: In the absence of sound religious knowledge, there is a high risk of misinterpreting the Quran and Hadith, which can lead to misguidance and the spread of incorrect practices within the community. Scholars ensure that the teachings of Islam are preserved and communicated accurately.

7. Enhancing Community Welfare and Guidance

  • Prophetic Example: The Prophet Muhammad pbuh , as a leader, not only provided spiritual guidance but also resolved disputes, gave ethical guidance, and established societal norms based on divine revelation. Scholars emulate this role by addressing the contemporary issues and challenges facing their communities.
  • Quranic Reference: “Thus We have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.” (Quran 2:143). Scholars help maintain the balance and justice in the community as outlined in this verse.

8. Fulfilling the Role of Da’wah (Inviting to Islam)

  • Prophetic Command: “Convey from me, even if it is one verse.” (Bukhari). This command highlights every Muslim’s duty to propagate the understanding of Islam. Scholars are better equipped to perform Da’wah effectively, ensuring that the message of Islam is spread accurately and respectfully.
  • Logical Argument: Effective Da’wah requires a deep understanding of both Islamic teachings and the complexities of different cultures and ideologies. Scholars can bridge this gap, making Islam relatable to people from diverse backgrounds.

9. Preservation of the Islamic Heritage

  • Historical Perspective: Throughout Islamic history, scholars have played a crucial role in preserving the Quran, Hadith, and the vast body of Islamic jurisprudence. Their work has ensured that the rich heritage of Islam remains intact and accessible to future generations.
  • Quranic Reference: “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Dhikr (the Quran) and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Quran 15:9). Scholars fulfill a divine promise by contributing to the preservation and protection of the Quran through their rigorous studies and teachings.

10. Promoting Intellectual and Spiritual Growth in the Community

  • Logical Argument: A community led by well-informed scholars fosters an environment of intellectual curiosity and spiritual growth. Scholars encourage critical thinking and provide a deeper understanding of the faith, which is essential for the personal development of community members.
  • Prophetic Hadith: “Allah makes the way to Jannah easy for him who treads the path in search of knowledge.” (Muslim). This hadith not only promises spiritual rewards but also emphasizes the practical benefits of a knowledgeable community.

Islamic Studies

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11. Strengthening the Foundations of Islamic Jurisprudence

  • Historical Context: Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) is founded on the Quran, Hadith, consensus (ijma), and analogical reasoning (qiyas). Scholars are essential for engaging in the deep analytical work required to derive laws from these sources and to adapt them to contemporary issues.
  • Quranic Reference: “Ask the people of the message if you do not know.” (Quran 16:43). This verse instructs Muslims to seek answers from those who are knowledgeable, emphasizing reliance on scholarly authority to maintain religious accuracy.

12. Ensuring Ethical Leadership

  • Prophetic Model: The Prophet Muhammad pbuh served as the ultimate guide and leader, whose every action was in accordance with divine will. Scholars emulate this model, providing ethical leadership that adheres to Islamic principles, guiding the community in matters of morality and good conduct.
  • Logical Argument: In times of moral and ethical dilemmas, scholars provide grounded, well-reasoned guidance that helps prevent the community from falling into unethical practices.

13. Facilitating Interfaith Dialogue

  • Contemporary Relevance: In an increasingly globalized world, interfaith dialogue is crucial for promoting peace and understanding between different religious communities. Scholars play a key role in these dialogues by accurately representing Islamic teachings and dispelling misconceptions about Islam.
  • Quranic Encouragement: “And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best…” (Quran 29:46). Knowledgeable Muslims are better equipped to engage in respectful and informed dialogue, as encouraged by the Quran.

14. Cultivating a Resilient Ummah

  • Social Impact: Scholars are instrumental in educating and nurturing a resilient Muslim community (Ummah) that can withstand the challenges of modernity and globalization by staying true to Islamic values while adapting innovatively.
  • Prophetic Guidance: “The believers are like a building, each part strengthening the other.” (Bukhari). Scholars are like the cornerstone of this building, providing the support and stability needed through sound knowledge and guidance.

15. Promoting the Holistic Development of Individuals

  • Educational Benefit: Scholars contribute to the holistic development of Muslims by teaching not only the rituals of worship but also the principles of personal development, family life, financial ethics, and social responsibility.
  • Quranic Insight: “He gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good.” (Quran 2:269). Scholars help disseminate this wisdom among the community, enriching personal and communal life.

These arguments collectively emphasize the profound responsibility and the pivotal role of scholars in ensuring the proper practice, preservation, understanding, and dissemination of Islamic teachings. Their influence extends beyond the mosques and madrasas into every aspect of life, making the pursuit of becoming an Alim not only a noble endeavor but a vital one for the sustenance of the Islamic way of life.


Benefits of-Seeking Islamic Knowledge

The Practical Implications of Knowledge in Islam

Why is knowledge prioritized over rituals like Salah and fasting? Because without a proper understanding of Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), even the most sincere acts of worship can be rendered ineffective due to incorrect practices. Knowledge ensures that all other pillars of Islam are implemented accurately and meaningfully, safeguarding the essence of our faith.

Join Us at IQS: Where Knowledge Meets Devotion

At IQS, we are committed to nurturing scholars who can uphold the rich traditions of Islamic scholarship. Our courses are designed to equip you with the tools necessary for a profound and comprehensive understanding of Islamic teachings.


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Why Enroll at IQS?

  • Expert Scholars: Our faculty comprises respected scholars who bring years of study and devotion to each class.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: From Quranic exegesis to Hadith sciences, our programs cover all essential areas of Islamic knowledge.
  • Community of Scholars: Join a vibrant community that values deep learning and spiritual growth.

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*”جو علم کی راہ پر چل پڑے، اُسے تنہائی سے وحشت نہیں ہوتی؛ اور جو کتابوں سے حوصلہ پکڑنا سیکھ جائے، وہ سب دلاسوں سے بے نیاز ہو جاتا ہے؛ اور جِسے تلاوتِ قرآن سے اُنس ہو جائے، اُسے دوستوں کے بچھڑنے سے فرق نہیں پڑتا!”*
امام الماوردی رحمه الله
(أدب الدين والدنيا : 143)

“Jo ilm ki raah par chal pade , usse tanhai se wahshat nahi hoti; aur jo kitabon se hausla pakadna seekh jaaye, wo sab dilason se beniyaz hojata hai; aur jisse tilawat e Quràn se uns hojaaye,usse doston ke bichadne se farq nahi padta!”

Imaam Al Mawardi Rahimahullah(Adab Ad Deen wal Duniya:147)

“He who follows the path of knowledge, is not afraid of loneliness; and he who learns to take courage from books, becomes free from all sorrows; and he who is discouraged by the attachment /love of the Qur’an, is not afraid of the separation of friends & It doesn’t matter!”
Imam Al Mawardi may Allah have mercy on him
(Adab al-Din Waldunya: 143)

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