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Dua’s to make On Day of Arafah and  the nights of Ramadan

Some long Dua’s to make On Day of Arafah and In the nights of Ramadan and in the last ten nights finding Laila tul Qadr!

●• ❝Allahumma innaka ‘afuwwun, tuhibbul-‘afwa, fa’fu ‘anni. (O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me)❞

●• ❝Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil ‘akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar.

Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save us from the chastisement of the fire.❞

●• ❝Allahumma inni as’aluka al-afiyah. (O Allah, I ask you for afiyah).❞

●• ❝O Allah, make my fasts the fasts of those who fast (sincerely), and my standing up in prayer of those who stand up in prayer (obediently), awaken me in it from the sleep of the heedless, and forgive me my sins, O God of the worlds, and forgive me, O one who forgives the sinners.❞

●• ❝O Allah, take me closer towards Your pleasure, keep me away from Your anger and punishment, grant me the opportunity to recite Your verses (of the Quran), by Your mercy, O the most Merciful.❞

●• ❝O Allah, grant me wisdom and awareness, keep me away from foolishness and pretention, grant me a share in every blessing You send down, by You generosity, O the most Generous.❞

●• ❝O Allah, strengthen me in carrying out Your commands, let me taste the sweetness of Your remembrance, grant me, through Your graciousness, that I give thanks to You. Protect me, with Your protection and cover, O the most discerning of those who see.❞

●• ❝O Allah, help me remember You, to be grateful to You, and to worship You in an excellent manner.❞

●• ❝O Allah, place me among those who seek forgiveness. Place me among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place me among Your close friends, by Your kindness, O the most Merciful.❞

●• ❝O Allah, do not let me abase myself by incurring Your disobedience, and do not strike me with the whip of Your punishment, keep me away from the causes of Your anger, by Your kindness and Your power, O the ultimate wish of those who desire.❞

●• ❝O Allah, help me with it’s fasts and prayers, and keep me away from mistakes and sins of the day, grant me that I remember You continously through the day, by Your assistance, O the Guide of those who stray.❞

●• ❝O Allah, let me have mercy on the orphans, and feed [the hungry], and spread peace, and keep company with the noble­minded, O the shelter of the hopeful.❞

●• ❝O Allah, grant me a share from Your mercy which is wide, guide me towards Your shining proofs, lead me to Your all encompassing pleasure, by Your love, O the hope of the desirous.❞

●• ❝O Allah, make me, among those who rely on You, from those who You consider successful, and place me among those who are near to you, by Your favour, O goal of the seekers.❞

●• ❝O Allah, make me love goodness, and dislike corruption and disobedience, bar me from anger and the fire [of Hell], by Your help, O the helper of those who seek help.❞

●• ❝O Allah, beautify me with covering and chastity, cover me with the clothes of contentment and chastity, let me adhere to justice and fairness, and keep me safe from all that I fear, by Your protection, O the protector of the frightened.❞

●• ❝O Allah, purify me from uncleanliness and dirt, make me patient over events that are decreed, grant me the ability to be pious, and keep company with the good, by Your help, O the beloved of the destitute.❞

●• ❝O Allah, do not condemn me for slips, make me decrease mistakes and errors, do not make me a target for afflictions and troubles, by Your honor, O the honor of the Muslims.❞

●• ❝O Allah, grant me the obedience of the humble expand my chest through the repentance of the humble, by Your security, O the shelter of the fearful.❞

●• ❝O Allah, grant me compatibility with the good, keep me away from patching up with the evil, lead me in it, by Your mercy, to the permanent abode, by Your Godship, O the God of the worlds.❞

●• ❝O Allah, guide me towards righteous actions, fulfil my needs and hopes, O One who does not need explanations nor questions, O One who knows what is in the chests of the (people of the) world. Bless Muhammad (ﷺ) and his family, the Pure.❞

●• ❝O Allah, awaken me with the blessings of it’s early mornings, Illuminate my heart with the brightness of it’s rays, let every part of my body follow it’s effects, by Your light, O the illuminator of the hearts of those who know.❞

●• ❝O Allah, multiply for me it’s blessings, and ease my path towards it’s bounties, do not deprive me of the acceptance of it’s good deeds, O the Guide towards the clear truth.❞

●• ❝O Allah, open for me the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from me, help me to recite the Quran, O the One who sends down tranquility into the hearts of believers.❞

●• ❝O Allah, show me the way to win Your pleasure, do not let Shaytaan have a means over me, make Paradise an abode and a resting place for me, O the One who fulfills the requests of the needy.❞

●• ❝O Allah, open for me the doors of Your Grace, send down on me its blessings, help me towards the causes of Your mercy, and give me a place in the comforts of Paradise, O the one who answers the call of the distressed.❞

●• ❝O Allah, wash away my sins, purify me from all flaws, examine my heart with (for) the piety of the hearts, O One who overlooks the shortcomings of the sinners.❞

●• ❝O Allah, I ask You for what pleases You, and I seek refuge in You from what displeases You, I ask You to grant me the opportunity to obey You and not disobey You, O One who is generous with those who ask.❞

●• ❝O Allah, make me among those who love Your friends, and hate Your enemies, following the way of Your last Prophet (ﷺ), O the Guardian of the hearts of the Prophets.❞

●• ❝O Allah, make my efforts worthy of appreciation, and my sins forgiven, my deeds accepted, my flaws concealed, O the best of those who hear.❞

●• ❝O Allah, bestow on me the blessings of Laylatul Qadr, change my affairs from (being) difficult to (being) easy, accept my apologies, and decrease for me [my] sins and burdens, O the Compassionate with His righteous servants.❞

●• ❝O Allah, grant me a share in it’s nawafil (recommended prayers), honor me by attending to my problems, make closer the means to approach You, from all the means, O One who is not preoccupied by the requests of the beseechers.❞

●• ❝O Allah, cover me with Your mercy, grant me in it success and protection, purify my heart from the darkness of false accusations, O the Merciful to His believing servants.❞

●• ❝O Allah, make my fasts worthy of appreciation and acceptance, according to what pleases You, and pleases the Messenger (ﷺ) the branches being strengthened by the roots, for the sake of our leader, Muhammad (ﷺ) and his purified family. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.❞

●• ❝O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, rout our enemy and support us against them.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah, O my Allah, Ya Rehman, Ya Rahim, Ya kareem, Ya Sattar, Ya Gaffar, Ya Kadir, Ya Sami, Ya Aleem, Ya Zuljalaali Wal ikraam be Rahmatika astagir.❞

●• ❝Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyoom bi Rahmatika astagheeth. (O Ever-Living, O Eternal, by Your Mercy I seek help)❞

●• ❝Ya Allah I turn to you in repentance, in submission. I beg you please fulfill my dua’s.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Forgive my sins, a complete forgiveness that leaves no trace.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Forgive my transgressions of Your Commands and the violations of the rights of people.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant me victory over my shortcomings – during and after Ramadan.❞

●• ❝Reform and upgrade me Ya Allah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Accept my dua’s, ibaadah and deeds.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah bless me with witnessing Laylatul Qadr.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Guide me towards performing good accepted deeds for Your Sake only.❞

●• ❝Ya muqallibal-qulubi, thabbit qalbi ‘ala deenik. (O Controller of the hearts make my heart steadfast in Your religion)❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Help me to attain khushu’ and ikhlaas in my ibaadah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Help me get closer to you as my end draws near.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make me love You, Your Prophet (ﷺ), Your Deen, Your Quran the way it deserves to be loved.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Increase my eeman, Tawakkul and yaqeen in You.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Increase me in Taqwa, make me of your grateful slaves.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Give me the strength to be steadfast throughout the trials I encounter.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant me a soft heart and content with Your Laws.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make the Quran be my companion in both worlds.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Guide me to the siraat mustaqeem until my last breath, never be deviated in shirk, kufr or bid’ah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make me among the muhsineen, muttaqeen the mukhliseen, the sabiqoon fil – ilm.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Increase me in beneficial knowledge.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make me pleased with Your Qadr for me.❞

●• ❝ ❞ Ya Allah Protect me from sicknesses of the heart (envy, arrogance, proudness, show off)❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Bless me with happiness in this dunya and akhirah, protect me from sadness and depression.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Favour me with the ability to do tazkiyah of my soul throughout my life journey.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Remove the love of this world in it’s degrees and forms from my heart.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Invite me to Your House to worship You.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant me a good end, make me love to meet You.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make my grave and barzakh a peaceful, cool abode.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant me the Shade of your Arsh on Yawmul Qiyaamah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Give me my record of deeds in my right hand and make my mizaan (scale) heavy with the good deeds.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant me the favour to drink from the Hawd Al Kawthar by our beloved Prophet (ﷺ)’s hand.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Ease my crossing of the Siraat and Qantarah (bridges before Paradise)❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Favour me the ultimate bliss of seeing You in Hereafter.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Shield, increase and protect the love/mercy/barakah between me and my spouse for as long as we live.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Improve our behaviour with each other.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Reward my spouse Your best reward for her/his striving for my family.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make the Quran and Your Commands be our judge in all matters.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Strengthen our practice of the deen together.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make us join together in bliss in Jannah al Firdaus.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah, assist us with physical and emotional strength to be a good parents and example to our children.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Bless us with righteous children.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make our children the coolness of our eyes and make them thawaab-e-jaariya for me and my spouse.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make them of those who establish Salah and prostrate only to you.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Protect me and my family from any Evil eye, Sihr, (black magic) calamities, enviers and the Shayateen from amongst men and jinn.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Protect our children from harm, sicknesses, disbelief, haraam and destruction.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant our children success in Deen, dunya and Aakhirah and grant us a lineage of righteous offspring until Yawm al Qiyaamah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Unite our entire lineage in Jannah al Firdaus.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make our children workers for Your Deen, hafidhul Quran, da’ees, imaams, scholars and shaheeds.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make them become the reason for our place in Jannah and shield against the Hellfire.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah save me and my entire family from the Hell Fire and make us enter Jannah al Firdaus Aa’laa without being accounted.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah, you are Al Gaffaar. Forgive my parents.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Reward them in the greatest measure in this dunya and akhirah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Elevate their ranks and grant them Jannah al Firdaus.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Make me coolness of their eyes in their old age.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant my siblings success in this dunya and akhirah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Elevate the ranks of my parents, spouse’s parents,my sisters and brothers, my elders and the entire Ummah.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Protect them from illnesses and difficulties of old age.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Forgive the sins of those who have passed away in my family and the Ummah – young and old.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant them a peaceful time in the barzakh till they meet You.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Save us from trials of Dajjal, Yujuj and Majuj and the last Day.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Grant my family and friends who are waiting for the gift of ‘children’❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Unite the hearts of my worldly companions who work for You and strengthen our brotherhood.❞

●• ❝Ya Allah Unite the hearts of those undergoing family/marital difficulties.❞

●• ❝O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Swift to account, defeat the groups (of disbelievers) O Allah, defeat them and shake them.❞

●• ❝O Allah Lord of the people, remove the hardship, grant cure for you are a great healer.

There is no cure but through your healing (Power) which leaves no illness behind.❞

Ya Rabb Ameen!

Convey knowledge when you learn it: ❝A form of offering charity is that one conveys it to others when he learns something❞


❝One who guides to something good has a reward similar to that of it’s doer.❞

[Sahih Muslim Vol: 3, No; 4665]

A short #DUA for you to memorise In’sha’Allah!

This is the supplication of Prophet Suleiman ʿalayhi as-salām (عليه السلام)

(My Lord! Forgive me. Indeed, You are the Bestower)

‎رَبِّ اغْفِرْ لِي ۖ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ

❝Rabbi ighfir lee, innaka antal-Wahhab❞

[Surah Saad, Verse 35]

Dua with all the Names of Allah (Asma Ul Husna)

🙌 Ya Rahmaan, Ya Raheem shower your mercy on All of your creations and help us to be merciful with others

🙌 Ya Malik, Qudduus help us rely on you in every situation and to submit ourselves to your care. Help us Purify our hearts, deeds and intentions. Aameen.

🙌 Ya Salaam, Ya Mu’min help us submit in Islam and grant us inner peace. Strengthen our Emaan and grant us safety from all kinds of evil.

🙌 Ya Muhaymin, Ya ‘Azeez protect us with your love and care and make us strong in Emaan and faith.

🙌 Ya Jabbaar, Ya Mutakabbir mend our hearts and help us battle against arrogance

🙌 Ya Khaaliq, Ya Baari’ let us never ascribe partners to You and Guide us to please You. Help us ponder Your creations and appreciate Your power and greatness and give thanks to You

🙌 Ya Musawwir, Ya Ghaffaar Make us of those who use the blessings you gave us for good, and make us witness the beautiful shapes of Paradise. Forgive our sins, the first one, the last one, the hidden and apparent, and enable us to keep turning to You seeking forgiveness

🙌 Ya Qahhaar, Ya Wahhaab help us to submit to Your will by abandoning our sins, Make us of those who are grateful for Your gifts and use them to please You, and adorn us with love for You

🙌 Ya Razzaaq, Ya Fattaah Make us of those who are content with Your provisions, guide us to work hard and use Your provisions wisely. Open our hearts, open for us the doors to all that is good in this life, the door of Your mercy and open for us the gates to Your Paradise

🙌 Ya ‘Aleem, Ya Qaabid Instil in us eagerness to learn, guide us to the best knowledge, increase our knowledge and make us benefit from it. Lead us by Your withholding to whatever is best for us in this life and the next

🙌 Ya Baasit, Ya Khaafid expand our hearts and fill it with Emaan, Expand our graves and illuminate it with light, soften our hearts and make us humble

🙌 Ya Raafi’, Ya Mu’izz exalt our status in your view, make us obedient and humble and help us live a honourable life

🙌 Ya Mudhill, Ya Samee’ protect us from being insulted in this world and on the Day of Judgement, protect us from foul speech, bless our tongue and our hearing, and make us of those whose prayers are answered

🙌 Ya Baseer, Ya Hakam Aid us to watch our deeds and use our sight and insight for Your sake only, and make us grateful for the blessings of our senses, Protect us from the injustice of others, adorn us with reliance upon You and Your justice at all times

🙌 Ya ‘Adl, Ya Lateef help us to be Just and balanced, protect us from being dealt unjustly, Aid us to always be thankful for Your kindness and make us patient in hardships, make us of those who are kind and gentle to others

🙌 Ya Khabeer, Ya Haleem make us aware of the reality of this world and how to strive best for Your Paradise, aid us to return to You after we sin, adorn us with gratitude for Your Forbearance and patience in hardships, make us of those who are forbearing and kind to others, never be arrogant and help us to develop hilm in times of anger

🙌 Ya ‘Adheem, Ya Ghafoor Make us glorify You and turn to You in hardship and ease, and make our scales heavy by remembering You and living by Your beautiful names, hide our faults from others, and protect us from the effects of our bad deeds in this life and the next

🙌 Ya Shakoor, Ya ‘Aliyy Adorn us with shukr for all You’ve given us and support us to use all these blessings in obeying You. Let us taste the ultimate reward, gazing at Your countenance and enjoying happiness in Paradise forever, Help us to never place anyone or anything above You. Make us increase our sujood with body and heart

🙌 Ya Kabeer, Ya Hafeedh, Inspire us to magnify you in a proper way, Adorn us with pride in Islam, protect us from arrogance, and make us of those who attain the highest ranks with You in the Highest Paradise without reckoning, help us to be mindful of even the smallest sins, Honour us by making us of those who memorize the Qur’an

🙌 Ya Muqeet, Ya Haseeb Sustain our bodies and souls, make us recognize Your sustenance and give thanks to you, Bless us with reliance on You, make us of those who remember Your hisaab and repent to You continuously

🙌 Ya Jaleel, Ya kareem make us dependent on you for each and every need, glorify us on the Day of Judgment, Guide us to be generous to others, aid us to be grateful to you for all your blessings and enter us into Your greatest generosity, Jannatul ‘Alaa without reckoning

🙌 Ya Raqeeb, Ya Mujeeb Guide us in worshiping you as though we see You for if we don’t see you, You surely see us, aid us in purifying our intentions, increase our good deeds and to stay away from our bad habits, make us call upon and supplicate to you in the best manner, Don’t let our prayers be unanswered and adorn us with certainty in Your response

🙌 Ya Jaleel, Ya kareem make us dependent on you for each and every need, glorify us on the Day of Judgment, Guide us to be generous to others, aid us to be grateful to you for all your blessings and enter us into Your greatest generosity, Jannatul ‘Alaa without reckoning

🙌 Ya Raqeeb, Ya Mujeeb Guide us in worshiping you as though we see You for if we don’t see you, You surely see us, aid us in purifying our intentions, increase our good deeds and to stay away from our bad habits, make us call upon and supplicate to you in the best manner, Don’t let our prayers be unanswered and adorn us with certainty in Your response

🙌 Ya Waasi’, Ya Hakeem Inspire us to contemplate Your endless dominion and make us turn to You for every request, enable us in our faith to never doubt any of Your characteristics, Adorn us with wisdom in dealing with ourselves and others, Make us reflect on Your wisdom by looking at creation. Grant us understanding of Your book and guidelines

🙌 Ya Wadood, Ya Majeed Make us of those who love You and Your Messenger above all, bless us with Your love and protection. Bring righteous people on our path and make us love them for your sake, inspire us to reflect upon Your signs, keep granting us honor through Islam and bestow upon us the honour of gazing upon Your Countenance in Paradise

🙌 Ya Baa’ith, ya Shaheed Guide us to live by the shahada and make us utter the testimony of faith on our deathbed, Make us always stand up for the truth, resurrect us in a state of Emaan amongst the righteous and join us with the prophets and shuhadaa in the highest Paradise

🙌 Ya Haqq, Ya Wakeel, Guide us to live by and die upon the truth and make us of those who advice others to the truth, Don’t let us be deceived by shaytan and his helpers. Make us of the mutawakkileen, Make us of those others can trust in, protect us against our enemies and ourselves, guard over us and make us entrust our souls to you in times of ease and hardship

🙌 Ya Qawiyy, Ya Mateen Make us strong believers and aid us to use our strength to strive for justice, Inspire our minds to reflect on Your Creation and fill our hearts with fear and awe for Your Greatness and irresistible Strength, Make us firm in our faith, lead us on the straight path, and make us steadfast in good and bad times, Adorn our hearts with a strong determination to strive for Your Paradise

🙌 Ya Waliyy, Ya Hameed Make us of your Awliyaa and Bless us with righteous friends, make us pious friends to other believers and assist us in trusting in You only as our best Ally at all times, Make us of those who praise You as you should be praised, guide us in praising you often and sincerely, and make us of those who say Alhamdulillah in Paradise

🙌 Ya Muhsii, Ya Mubdi’ remind us to think of your punishments before we give into sins, enter in into Paradise without reckoning, Forgive our sins and help us praise you in all situations of life, bless us with your love and protection

🙌 Ya Mu’iid, Ya Muhyee cause us to die with emaan and restore our life on the Day of Judgment for a blissful result, Bless us with hearts that are alive with faith encouraging us to righteous actions, Make us of those who live by and revive the sunnah of Your Prophet, make us of the best companions, reminding ourselves and others about the Hereafter

🙌 Ya Mumeet, Ya Hayy help us remember death each day, cause us to die in the state of purity and emaan, Bless us with reliance on You, Make our life a source of good and give us a good end of life, inspire us to turn to You only and grant to us eternal life in the Gardens of Jannatul Firdaws

🙌 Ya Qayyoom, Ya Waajid Bless us with humility in our worship and dealing with others and make us of those who help the needy and strive in the cause of Islam. Guide us in truly establishing the prayer in our lives, enable us to practice qiyaam ul layl, and perform actions that bring us closer to You, guide all of us when we are lost and fulfill our needs

🙌 Ya Maajid, Ya Waahid help us to learn and understand the Qur’an, bless our lives with your grace, love and support, Grant us correct and unshakable belief in Your Oneness, Make us reflect your Creation and protect and forgive us from all types of shirk

🙌 Ya Ahad, Ya Samad Bless us with pure intentions and help us to do those deeds most pleasing to You. Guide us to understand, live, and die by the shahada so the fire cannot touch us, and enter us into Your everlasting gardens, aid us to be of those who turn to You only for our needs. Adorn us with a strong desire to please You alone

🙌 Ya Qaadir, Ya Muqtadir Adorn us with patience and contentment with your decree and help us inspire others to do so. Help us to turn to You and to consult You in big and small matters, make us grateful for all aspects of your decree for us, save us from arrogance and adorn us with tranquil hearts who remember you abundantly

🙌 Ya Muqaddim, Ya Mu’akhkhir grant us advancement in our Emaan, enable us to send forth Good deeds, bless us with a higher rank in jannah, help us to return to you with repentance and grant us patience during our trials

🙌 Ya Awwal, Ya Aakhir Guide us to put You and seeking Your pleasure first and foremost in our belief and our deeds, Help us to give priority to our prayers, adorn us with love and closeness to Your Book and make us of the saabiqoon, Bless us with love and eagerness to meet You and Enable us to do deeds whose rewards will continue, counting for us after our death, and give us a good ending

🙌 Ya Dhaahir, Ya Baatin Make both our inward and outward good, Bless us with sincerity and make us of those who are able to gaze at Your Countenance in the Hereafter, Help us to purify our intentions, protect us from hypocrisy and make both our inward and outward pleasing to You, conceal our sins and protect us from exposing our sins. Make us of those able to see You in Paradise each day

🙌 Ya Waalii, Ya Muta’aali help us strive in your path with our souls and wealth, make us of those Who help others, Adorn us with firm belief in your Highness and admit us to the Highest Paradise without Reckoning

🙌 Ya Barr, Ya Tawwaab Adorn us with the characteristics of the abraar (righteous ones), guide us in good conduct in each company we are in, and make our righteousness a way to lead us to Your Paradise, help us to repent and seek your forgiveness, make us among the tawwaabeen and return to us forgiving

🙌 Ya Muntaqim, Ya ‘Afuww forgive our sins and protect us from retribution on the Day of Judgment, Grant us the strength to pardon others and make us reflect on Your love and blessings upon us. Pardon all our sins, mistakes, neglect, errors and faults so we will not even be questioned about them on the Day of Judgement

🙌 Ya Ra’oof, Ya Maalik ul-Mulk Increase our hearts in mercy and Make us reflect Your ra’fa, open our heart for the Quran, Make us remember the Day of Recompense in our words and deeds, Guide us in being responsible on this earth, just to those under our authority and make us enter Paradise

🙌 Ya Dhul-Jalaali Wal-Ikraam, Ya Muqsit Aid us to seek Your Honourable Face only in our intentions, words and deeds. Help us to put obedience to You above everything else in our daily life and make us generous to others. Bless us with being able to be Just in our lives and to see Your Countenance in the Hereafter

🙌 Ya Jaami’, Ya Ghaniyy Make us of those who join and stay with the jama’a (congregation), bring others together for good, and open our hearts to remember the Day of Gathering often and strive for Your shade, Adorn us with contentment with Your decree and make us of those who give away of what they love

🙌 Ya Mughnii, Ya Maani’ Make us recognize our poverty in front of You and always make us thankful for the wealth You bestow on us and aid us to use it for Your sake, grant us protection from the evil of Shaytaan and his helpers and help us feel content with Your decree

🙌 Ya Dhaarr, Ya Naafi’ mend our hearts and fix our faults, help us to stick to the right course and appreciate your rewards, grant us goodness in everything and the eternal bliss of gazing at your countenance

🙌 Ya Nuur, Ya Haadi Aid us in doing many good deeds so our faces will be shining with light in the Hereafter, grant us light on the siraat so we can witness Your Light in Paradise, Guide us on the straight path and make us of those who keep asking sincerely for your guidance in every matter. Inspire us to be aware and thankful for Your Guidance and aware of those who desire it

🙌 Ya Badee’, Ya Baaqii Make us of those who follow The Qur’an, protect us from bid’ah, Adorn us with complete faith and trust in Your power to create and originate, grant us Eternal refuge and grant us the Eternal Bliss of gazing at your Face in Jannah

🙌 Ya Waarith, Ya Rasheed Aid us in using our worldly possessions to gain Your pleasure, guide us in remembering frequently that we will return to You, make us of those that will inherit the highest Paradise, Guide us on the straight path and make us of those who adhere to the right path in all situations. Aid us in inviting others to Islam and bless us with the ultimate guidance we need to enter Your Paradise

🙌 Ya Saboor, Ya saboor, Adorn us with patience and contentment with your decree and help us to turn to You in repentance and grant us patience during our trials
Help us to treat others with patience and forgiveness Aid us in using our worldly possessions to gain Your pleasure, guide us in remembering frequently that we will return to You, make us of those that will inherit the highest Paradise, Guide us on the straight path and make us of those who adhere to the right path in all situations. Aid us in inviting others to Islam and bless us with the ultimate guidance we need to enter Your Paradise

Ya Allah, answer all our Duaas, You are the All Hearing, All knowing

Aameen Ya Rabb.🤲

  1. Ya Allah Al Wali – The Protecting Friend protects us from hearts that are not humble, tongues that are not wise, and eyes that have forgotten how to cry.
  2. Ya Allah, make me and my family from amongst the sabiqoon you mention in Surah Al Waqi’ah. Let the light of our eeman emanate from our chest and from our right hand side.
  3. Ya Allah, grant me and my loved ones a blessed death. Let me proclaim the shahada before I die. Grant me the intercession of Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him). Ya Raheem make my last moments the best moments of my life. Let me die a shaheed in madina with my head in sujood and with my eyes shedding tears because of the love I have for you.
  4. Ya Allah grant me the companionship of Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), his family and the Sahabas in Jannathul Firdous al ‘aala.
  5. Ya Allah save my non Muslim family and friends from the Fire. Guide them to Islam and righteousness in the most beautiful of ways.
  6. Ya Allah, reunite me in Jannathul Firdous with those whom I love for Your sake alone. Please make me a means of protecting and transferring my friends from hellfire into jannah because of the love I have for them and because I will miss them in Jannah and would want the same for them.
  7. Ya Rabb, perfect my Deen and my worship. Save me from Faahisha and let me complete half of my Deen with someone whose heart is attached to you.
  8. Ya Allah, accept my good deeds and increase me in reward and Your Mercy. Wipe away my sins and pardon me completely. Shower your mercy upon me and save me from disgrace on the Day of Reckoning.
  9. Ya Allah, when I die, let my soul and my record of Deeds be with the Illiyeen. Grant me and my loved ones shade under your throne when there will be no shade but yours.
  10. Ya Allah grant me my parents, family and children guidance, steadfastness, and increase in Imaan and taqwa. Keep me and my loved ones miles away from major and minor sins and from everything that earns your displeasure.
  11. Ya Allah, make me of the few You love, You Pardon and You shade on a Day when there is no shade but from Your Majestic Arsh (Throne).
  12. Oh my Lord, increase me in Yakeen and Tawakkul in you. Let there be no doubt in my belief in Your Oneness, Your Majesty, and Power.
  13. Ya Allah, increase me in my love for You and Your Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him).
  14. Ya Allah, forgive me and increase me in Your Blessings and Provisions.
  15. Ya Allah lead me to more opportunities to do good and seek Your Pleasure. Help me expand my dawah with sincerity and ikhlas.
  16. Ya Rabb, Purify my intentions for Your Sake alone and let me not show off or take false pride. Save me from arrogance, pride, showing off, and reminding of favors.
  17. Oh, my Creator and Sustainer, do not leave me alone. Bless me with a righteous spouse and children who will be the coolness of my eyes. And please help every brother and sister who is aiming towards the same goal. Bless us with spouses who will guide us towards your pleasure and with whom we will spend an eternity and more in Jannatul firdous al’aala.
  18. Oh my Lord, make me of those who are patient and obedient to You and to my parents.
  19. Save me from the Fitnah of Dajjal. And please save me from becoming a fitna for others. Save me from being the source of trail for others.
  20. Save me and my loved ones from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell Fire.
  21. Ya Allah, increase me in Sadaqa -e – Jariya. May the legacy of my good deeds be never-ending.
  22. Ya Allah, bless me with good health, so I can make sajdah with ease till my final breath.
  23. Ya Allah, protect me and the Muslim Ummah against wicked oppressors. Save us from Fitnah and give us ease in our times of trial. Ya Allah unite our Ummah.
  24. My Lord, bless me with the best in this world, the best in the hereafter, and save me from the fire. I am indeed in need of the good You have in store for me.
  25. Ya Allah, increase me in gratitude towards You alone.
  26. Oh my Rabb, save me from hypocrisy. Save me from cheating others, save me from giving people false promises and hopes, save me from bad language, and save me from destroying someone’s trust in me when they entrust something.
  27. Ya Allah, let me, my family, and my spouse be among the pilgrims to perform Hajj in 2024
  28. Ya Allah protect me against Evil Jinns and Spirits. Safeguard me from their evil incitements and plots. Save me from every evil that you have created
  29. Ya Allah, forgive and have Mercy upon my parents, as they looked after me when I was young. Ya Allah Al Mannan make my parents proud of me in this world and in the hereafter.
  30. Ya Allah, I pray and beg of you for the guidance of the Muslim Youth and Ummah. Save us all from Kufr, Despair, Misdeeds, bidah, and Shirk. Keep us away from confusion of different sects and keep us on siratul mustaqeem.
  31. Ya Allah grant me the strength to battle laziness and sleep, so I may wake up for Tahajjud and Fajr daily.
  32. Ya Allah grant me Ultimate Success – safety from the fire and entry into Jannatul Firdous al alaa.
  33. Ya Ghafoor make me from amongst the True slaves of Ar Rahman you mentioned in Surat Al Furqan, who are protected from Hell fire.
  34. Ya Allah help single mothers and sisters who have lost their husbands and guardians. Be their Wali and ease their hardships. Provide them with finance and help them take care of those under them.
  35. Ya Allah Al Shafi cure everyone who is suffering from chronic diseases and those suffering from cancer.
  36. Ya Allah keep us away from people who want to cause us harm. Ya Allah make my enemeies my friends and make my friends my best friends. Surround me with people who remind me of you and about the akhirah.
  37. Ya Allah, help me become a hafidha and let me marry a hafidh of Qur’an and give tawfeeq for my entire progeny to be huffadh of Qur’an. Those who have Qur’an in their hearts and on their tongues. Men and women from my progeny who will be walking Qur’ans like our beloved Prophet ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him).
  38. Ya Allah, make me from amongst the best. Those who learn Qur’an and teach Qur’an.
  39. Ya Allah bless my sisters in Islam with healthy pregnancies. Do not test my sisters with infertility. Grant them pious, beautiful, and healthy children.
  40. Ya Allah uplift the men of our Ummah. Make them men of true honor and deen. Make them our protectors and those who help us and guide us. Keep us away from men and hypocrites who might destroy us, our peace of mind, and our eeman.
  41. Ya Allah allow us intercession of Qur’an. Ya Allah let Surah Baraqah and Al Imran come as clouds over us on the day of judgment.
  42. Ya Allah always keep us financially secure and content with what we have. Keep us away from arrogance and worldly competition.
  43. Ya Allah make Qur’an the light of my heart and the dispeller of my worries. Help me increase my khushoo in Salaah.
  44. Ya Fattah grant me wisdom and awareness, keep me away from foolishness and pretension, grant me a share in every blessing You send down, by Your generosity, O the most Generous.
  45. Ya Allah, strengthen me in carrying out Your commands, let me taste the sweetness of Your remembrance, grant me, through Your graciousness, that I give thanks to You. Protect me with Your protection.Place me among Your righteous and obedient servants, and place me among Your close friends, by Your kindness.
  46. Ya Rabbi let me have mercy on the orphans, and feed [the hungry], spread peace, and keep company with the noble-minded. Make me, among those who rely on you.
  47. Ya Allah make me patient over events that are decreed, grant me the ability to be pious, and keep company with the good, open for me the doors of the heavens, and lock the doors of Hell from me, help me to recite the Qur’an fluently and please send down tranquility upon my heart.
  48. Ya Hayyum Ya Qayyum, do not raise me blind on the day of judgment. Let me have the honor of seeing your face and let me meet you with Qalbun Saleem.
  49. Ya Allah Al Azeez keep shaytan miles away from me and my loved ones. Help me be sincere, strong, and truthful. Do not let me be oppressed and do not make me an oppressor.
  50. Ya Wakeel, I entrust my affairs in your hands. Do not leave me in charge of my affairs, even for a blink of an eye. Please rectify all of my affairs for me. Purify my heart and clear the dark spots of sin on my heart. Bless my heart with your Noor.
  51. Ya Allah to you we belong and to you is our return. Have mercy on us and forgive us and guide us towards things that lead to your pleasure and keep us miles away from things that lead to your displeasure. Please accept all our duas and protect us from hardships.

Ameen ya rabbul alameen.

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