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Avoid use of abbreviations like “Md” or “Mohd” for the name “Muhammad”

In recent times, a concerning trend has emerged – the use of abbreviations like “Md” or “Mohd” for the name Muhammad. While some may adopt these shortcuts innocently, it’s vital to recognize potential mischievous conspiracies aimed at undermining the significance and respect associated with the Prophet’s ﷺ name.

As Muslims, our commitment to honoring the name Muhammad in its entirety is paramount. By rejecting abbreviated forms, we not only protect the legacy of our beloved Prophet but also safeguard the sanctity and dignity of Islam’s most revered figure.

The Name Muhammad in the Quran

In the Quran, Allah emphasizes the proper pronunciation and spelling of Muhammad ﷺ. Surah Al-Ahzab (33:40) explicitly mentions “Muhammad” ﷺ in its complete form, underlining the importance of adhering to the precise spelling as a sign of respect for the Prophet and the divine revelation.

The Example of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) serves as a role model for Muslims, and his life is a guide for all aspects of our lives. Throughout his lifetime, he was referred to by his full name, Muhammad ﷺ. By following this example, we demonstrate our reverence and honor for the Prophet ﷺ.

Respecting the Legacy

Abbreviations risk diluting the significance of the name Muhammad, which carries profound meaning and serves as a symbol of the Prophet’s legacy. Using short forms may convey a casual or less respectful tone, contrary to the reverence Muslims hold for the Prophet.

Unity and Consistency

Using the correct spelling, “Muhammad” , promotes unity and consistency among Muslims globally. Regardless of language or cultural differences, maintaining a standardized spelling fosters a sense of collective identity and ensures the preservation of Islamic heritage.

Enrich Your Understanding at the Institute of Quran and Sunnah

In our pursuit of upholding the sanctity of Muhammad’s ﷺ name, let’s explore avenues to deepen our understanding of Islamic teachings. The Institute of Quran and Sunnah in Fraser Town, Bangalore, offers a range of courses – from Hifz Quran memorization to Alimiyat and Advanced Islamic Courses.

These courses provide an opportunity to delve into the profound teachings of Islam, enriching our knowledge and fostering a deeper connection with our faith. Join fellow seekers of knowledge on this transformative journey at the Institute of Quran and Sunnah.


In conclusion, it is incumbent upon Muslims to use the accurate and complete spelling of Muhammad ﷺ, avoiding abbreviations. As we honor the Prophet’s name ﷺ, let us also seize the opportunity to embark on a journey of learning and enlightenment at the Institute of Quran and Sunnah. Enroll in courses that resonate with your quest for knowledge, and together, let’s preserve the legacy of Islam.

A quick reminder, Following are the incorrect spellings. Please avoid using them and use the whole spelling “Muhammad” :

  • Mohd
  • Md
  • Mohammed
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