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Sunnah Ways

In addition to the scholarly aspects of Sunnah science, it’s important to understand and appreciate the practical Sunnah ways of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). These encompass his actions, habits, and teachings that serve as a model for Muslims in their daily lives. Here are some key Sunnah ways of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

  1. Prayer (Salah): The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) observed the five daily prayers regularly and encouraged Muslims to do the same. He emphasized the importance of praying on time and with devotion.
  2. Dress and Grooming: The Prophet (peace be upon him) maintained a simple and modest appearance. He wore clean and modest clothing, and he encouraged cleanliness and personal hygiene.
  3. Diet and Nutrition: The Prophet (peace be upon him) practiced moderation in eating and drinking. He often ate in small portions and encouraged a balanced diet. He also emphasized sharing food with others and not wasting it.
  4. Kindness and Good Manners: The Prophet (peace be upon him) exemplified impeccable manners and kindness. He stressed the importance of treating others with respect, gentleness, and empathy.
  5. Charity (Sadaqah and Zakat): The Prophet (peace be upon him) was known for his generosity. He encouraged giving to those in need, both through voluntary charity (Sadaqah) and the obligatory almsgiving (Zakat).
  6. Family and Relationships: The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of maintaining strong family ties, being kind to spouses, and treating children with love and care. He served as a role model for balanced family life.
  7. Honesty and Truthfulness: Honesty and truthfulness were fundamental values for the Prophet (peace be upon him). He was known as “Al-Amin” (the trustworthy) even before his prophethood.
  8. Seeking Knowledge: The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged seeking knowledge and learning throughout one’s life. He famously said, “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.”
  9. Praying for Others: The Prophet (peace be upon him) frequently prayed for the well-being of others. He encouraged Muslims to make supplications for their fellow human beings.
  10. Patience and Resilience: The Prophet (peace be upon him) endured hardships and trials with patience and resilience. He taught that patience in the face of adversity is a virtuous quality.
  11. Environmental Stewardship: The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized caring for the environment and conserving resources. He discouraged wastefulness and advocated for responsible use of God’s creations.
  12. Smiling and Spreading Joy: The Prophet (peace be upon him) often smiled and encouraged spreading joy. He recognized the positive impact of a cheerful disposition on others.

These practical Sunnah ways of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) serve as a guide for Muslims in their everyday lives. By emulating his actions and teachings, believers seek to live a life in accordance with the principles of Islam, aiming for spiritual growth, ethical conduct, and compassion towards all beings.

Here are ten Sunnah (traditions) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):

  1. Using the Siwak (Miswak): The Prophet encouraged dental hygiene and often used a Siwak, a teeth-cleaning twig, to maintain oral cleanliness.
  2. Dua Before and After Meals: It was the Prophet’s practice to begin meals with “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) and end with “Alhamdulillah” (All praise is due to Allah).
  3. Entering and Leaving the House: The Prophet recommended entering homes with the right foot and leaving with the left, invoking Allah’s blessings upon the household.
  4. Saying “Bismillah” Before Actions: Before starting any task, the Prophet pbuh would say “Bismillah” to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance.
  5. Using the Right Hand: The Prophet pbuh preferred using his right hand for eating, drinking, and other actions, emphasizing the etiquettes of the right hand.
  6. Greeting with “Salam”: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) promoted the use of the greeting “As-Salamu Alaikum” (Peace be upon you) as a sign of goodwill and brotherhood.
  7. Visiting the Sick: It was the Prophet’s habit to visit the sick, offering prayers and words of comfort to those in need.
  8. Praying Witr (Odd-Numbered) Salah: The Prophet Muhammad pbuh recommended performing an odd-numbered unit of prayer called Witr as part of the nightly Tahajjud (night prayer) or at the end of Isha (night) prayer.
  9. Expressing Gratitude (Shukr): The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged gratitude to Allah in times of both prosperity and adversity.
  10. Avoiding Harmful Speech: The Prophet emphasized the importance of guarding one’s tongue and refraining from harmful or false speech.

These Sunnah practices offer guidance on various aspects of daily life, promoting mindfulness, gratitude, and adherence to ethical and spiritual principles in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

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